Thursday, April 5, 2012

Daydreaming is good for you!

Although it has been derided in the past as infantile, neurotic or failing to be mentally disciplined, neurologists have discovered that daydreaming - and more specifically, wandering mind - is vital for certain brain functions. They've found that a wandering mind can be protective and even help you stay on course for longer term goals.  A wandering mind helps the brain...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Elephants heard the deadly 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami coming

When the 2004 tsunami struck coasts along the Indian Ocean, it was not a sixth sense that made elephants run for the hills, often carrying unsuspecting tourists on their backs to safety. It was because they heard the tsunami coming. A tsunami is a very long water wave, its wavelength hundreds of miles long in the deep ocean. But in shallow water near land the wavelength shortens....

Monday, April 2, 2012

A new £2000 procedure TATTOOS a buzz cut into bald men!

Going bald upsets men more than bankruptcy or bachelorhood. But now there’s a cure set to save them money and heartache - by tattooing ‘hair’ on. HIS (Hair-Ink-Skin) Hair has launched an innovative new technique to disguise baldness - using a unique form of tattoos. And it has become so popular that bookings have soared by 20 per cent in the past 12 months. Celebrity...

Sunday, April 1, 2012

In Japan they have square watermelons.

Japan appears to have cornered the market on square-shaped fruit. Farmers in the southern Japanese town of Zentsuji have figured out how to grow their watermelons so they turn out square. It's not a fad. The technique actually has practical applications. "The reason they're doing this in Japan is because of lack of space," said Samantha Winters of the National Watermelon Promotion...