Cesare Borgia Jesus?
This is a painting of Cesare Borgia, the man who influenced all European paintings, sculptures and carvings of Jesus.
Many scholars believe the image of Jesus has been manipulated, skewed and outright fabricated. This article will address such an issue.
Cesare Borgia was the Son of Pope Alexander VI. In fact, he was the popes most loved and illegitimate son. (at one time papacy members were allowed to marry.) Pope Alexander VI was known for having multiple mistresses and in 1476 bore a son named Cesare Borgia. Cesare was Alexanders favored son and by the age of 15 had already become the Bishop of Pamplona. By his 18th birthday he was a Cardinal. Borgia also had an older brother named Giovanni who was Captain General of the Papacy Military forces.
Cesare envied his brothers position and many scholars believe he envied it so much that he had his own brother assassinated in order to obtain the office. Other records show the brothers slept with the same mistress, the wife of their younger brother Goffredo. Many believe the inflamed love triangle between the brothers and their so-called mistresses is what led to young Giovanni’s demise. Following Giovanni’s assassination, Cesare Borgia resigned his position as Cardinal and became Captain General of the Papacy Military. During this time, the Catholic Church was waging war on Islam and Cesare was about to play a vital role in the history of the Church.
At the time, the Muslims had successfully made their way to Germany and taken control of Turkey. This threatened the Churches stronghold over the empire. During the same period, the image of Jesus was that of a Muslim and the church was having a hard time selling its ideologies in the region. Some say they devised a plan to correct this issue and used Cesare Borgia as its tool. Consequently, some historians say the pope came up with a plan to have every painting of the original messiah destroyed. Next, Alexander VI commissioned Leonardo Di Vinci to reinvent Jesus in the image of his own beloved son, Cesare Borgia.
This completely disassociated the whites of the empire from the Muslims they had to fight, making it easier to kill their enemies in good conscious. So, there you have it. Do you think our modern image of Jesus is actually Cesare Borgia? IsJesus Cesare Borgia? (In reference to the images of Jesus)
Interesting fact: Many people believe there are armed guards stationed at the Catacombs of Rome to keep people from viewing wall carvings of the original Messiah in his legitimate ethnic representation. (Source)
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This is nonsense from start to finish, full of half-truths and errors. "at one time papacy members were allowed to marry." What is a 'papacy member'? A pope, presumably. Yes, some very early popes were married, and some married men later became popes. See here for more information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sexually_active_popes
The article is full of "many scholars believe", "some scholars say" - who? What is the source of these claims? Do they exist? I doubt it.
Besides, look in any national art gallery or gallery website and you'll find lots of images of Jesus which predate Cesare Borgia.
This is full of embarrassing nonsense. "the pope came up with a plan to have every painting of the original messiah destroyed." There were no paintings of Jesus, only later impressions. And even the pope could not have every painting destroyed, since there were tens of thousands all over Europe. "the image of Jesus was that of a Muslim" What? A guy with a dark beard? That was a problem? Are you serious?
Please, whoever wrote this article, take some advice. Get sticky tape and fix it all around your head. And DO IT QUICKLY, before your brains fall out.
It's more likely they painted Cesare to look Christlike.
Exactly no 1 wonders where the picture of jesus came from??? Bible legend says he's black; then described with hair of wool skin of bronze everybody knows jerusalem is In the middle east..which furthermore proves he had to have had dark skin to be under suns light all those years til his death@33 years old..plus who da fuck would believe jesus came down from heaven & said "I'M READY FOR MY PICTURE NOW" I believe they hoodwinkwed the world@that time destroyed all images of real messiah n threaten death upon anyone who would tell the truth this way it b easier to battle if casualties and soldiers wasnt fighting who resembled him..in which would give the fight less morale eventually the guy hires a painter publishes a new pic of christ based on his son and there we have it....BOOM EVERY PICTURE OF JESUS...A WHITE GUY!
I like! I like! I like!
Now that's how you set them straight!
It's hard for most Christians to accept this. Lets make it simple. The Chiristians were white. The Muslims they were at war with were middle eastern. This is a historical fact! Jesus was Middle Eastern. So Rome had all pictures of Jesus desroyed. Being thag the church controlled everything, this makes perfect sense. How could the church fight a holy war when thete fighting in the name of a man who looks like the enemy and not them? Common Sense!
Jesus was from the Middle East, not Europe!
Jesus was a Jew not European.
It's funny the bible clearly depicts Jesus as a man of color bronze skin curly hair. But u don't question why the description doesn't match the picture u portray today as Jesus.
It's sad that no one wants to tell the truth but be wise in their own eyes and do what's best for them. This includes preachers and everyone involved. But be sure of this: God says all liars will have their part in the lake of fire. That's why God hates lying so much. Look what people will do to cover up the truth.
The truth will be made known an set the captives truly free
History fully supports a married priesthood. For the first 1200 years of the Church’s existence, priests, bishops and 39 popes were married.3 Celibacy existed in the first century among hermits and monks, but it was considered an optional, alternative lifestyle. Medieval politics brought about the discipline of mandatory celibacy for priests.
Actually Jews are the blood descendants of Judah who was one of Jacob's son. It is not a religion it is a birth right and one cannot be converted. The strangers may cleave but they are not Judah!
No. Hebrews are. Not for the same as Jews. Who were scattered abroad. The Jews that you are speaking out or Khazar Jews they have no blood relation or connection to King David Judah Moses nor Abraham look it up only 2% of the Jews that live in Israel have connection to blood Abraham so the question is who are the rest? Look this up first.there is something we are not being told
Perhaps it's most important to honor His message rather than any ethnic group attempting to "own" Yeshua as theirs.
At the end of the day (or end of all days?) does it really matter what color Yeshua is? Black, white, bronze, it matters little. He came, he taught, he bled for us. Whatever color his feet, those are the feet I will fall upon and worship. =)
At the end of the day (or end of all days?) does it really matter what color Yeshua is? Black, white, bronze, it matters little. He came, he taught, he bled for us. Whatever color his feet, those are the feet I will fall upon and worship. = END OF STORY
YESHUA WAS NOT "WHITE!" "Feet like polished BRONZE..." "HAIR LIKE SHEEPS WOOL"... HOW IS THAT "WHITE"??? I wouldn't say he was "BLACK, BLACK" tho.... But, he was DARK SKINNED n yes TECHNICALLY HE WAS OF NORTH AFRICAN LINEAGE... I HATE GRAVEN IMAGERY!!! DO PEOPLE NOT READ THE TEN COMMANDMENTS [which were not NAILED TO THE CROSS!!! I HATE THE VATICAN!!! [n all things CATHOLIC, catholic truly means UNIVERSAL but nevermind that... THE REASON THE VATICAN USES [OPENLY USES] GRAVEN IMAGERY is BECAUSE THEY TRULY BELIEVE THEY ARE GIVEN AUTHORITY [UNDER THEIR GREAT "DOPE" pope.. lol] TO CHANGE ANYTHING IN THE SCRIPTURES!!! I study theology [not collegiately but STILL, QUITE KNOWLEDGABLE... and I plan on getting a degree in THEOLOGY or even DEMONOLOGY [I LOVE STUDYING THE "FALLEN ONES"[ANGELS, like the WATCHERS...] Also, I like to study those books [like ENOCH which YESHUA DIRECTLY QUOTES in some parts of THE NEW TESTAMENT in the FOUR GOSPELS [which is wrong in that many other BOOKS n GOSPELS SHOULD BE IN THE CANON....] Sry for the run-on but yes, YESHUA HA MASHIACH WAS BASICALLY BLACK... he was from Nazareth like Samson WHO WE KNO WAS BLACK AS HE HAD THE "SEVEN LOCKS" in his hair... [n yes I KNO YESHUA WAS BORN IN BETHLEHEM... n I'm NOT saying he was under NAZERITE LAW like Samson was born into n lived under/by... As for one, SAMSON WAS A MAN! A GREAT n "SUPER"-man but yea, not the physicality of YHWH/YAH! YAH BLESS ALL, EVEN THOSE WHO ARE MISLED n RIDICULE ME/ THOSE WHO BELIEVE/KNOW AS I DO.... IN YESHUA HA MASHIACH NAME MAY U SEE THE LIGHT!! AMEN!....
About the JEWS/HEBREWS thing, here's the skinny, JEWS are any one of the three tribes JUDAH, LEVI, and BENJAMIN! ALL THE OTHERS ARE SIMPLY JUST HEBREWS! There is more to it than jus that but thas the SIMPLIFIED EXPLANATION...
Dan was removed http://christianity.stackexchange.com/questions/14725/why-was-dan-removed-from-the-list-of-12-israel-tribes-in-rev-7[which is Samson's tribe, and Ephraim fell out of YAH's FAVOR n he changed it to the tribe of Yosef [Joseph] his father... Although, Manasseh, the other son of Yosef was NOT removed...
Cqatholics btw, are not CHRISTIANS! They worship APOLLO [Phoebus, which is funny as his grandmother in mythology is Phoebe... lol] on SUNDAY hence they FAKE SABBATH being SUNDAY! Also, they WORSHIP ASHERAH under the name Mary, whom is the SUMERIAN Queen of Heaven...
The WHOLE CATHOLIC ISH IS FULL OF PAGANIZATION!!! I study it IN DEPTH and consider it my SPECIALTY... If you read ACTS, after Yeshua "SUPPOSEDLY" was resurrected on a SUNDAY [which we was already OUT OF THE TOMB BEFORE THEN, jus' RESEARCH IT!] anyway, in ACTS which is AFTER HIS RESSURECTION THEY ALWAYS MEET ON THE SABBATH, IN A SYNAGOUGE!... So, if the SABBATH WAS CHANGED.... LOL!!!! Sry to go off topic but had to say that... As for his [YESHUA] appearance, it is described FOR SUM REASON but I agree that it doesn't or WOULDN'T MATTER IF HE WAS NOT DARK SKINNED OR WUTEVER, as WE ALL ARE HUMAN, there is ONLY ONE RACE, THE HUMAN RACE, I am of many ethnic backgrounds and the only TRUE difference between "ETHNICITIES" IS CULTURE!!! AND THAS THE TRUTH!!
o and they worship MITHRA in place of YESHUA HA MASHIACH!! [who, in myth @ least, REALLY WAS BORN ON DECEMBER 25th, YESHUA WAS BORN IN MARCH MOST LIKELY! maybe mid-April...] They even used old statues of Mithra and dubbed them Christ statues as well as other states of pagan deities they renamed as other Saints and "biblical" figures.... MAKES ME SICK! BUT, GOTTA LEARN TO LOVE YOUR ENEMIES!! ESPECIALLY IF YOU PLAN ON PLANTING SEEDS IN THOSE PEOPLE IF U GET ME... [SPREADING THE TRUTH TO THEM OR WUTEVER] YAH BLESS ALL!
FOR THOSE WHO AREN'T UP ON THE WHOLE MITHRAS THING... CHECK THIS OUT!... good read and tells mostly all you need to know... http://www.truthbeknown.com/mithra.htm
the description of Jesus in the book of revelation is one of sovereign judgement..Hence brass feet, wolly hair etc
the description of Jesus in the book of revelation is one of sovereign judgement..Hence brass feet, wolly hair etc
the description of Jesus in the book of revelation is one of sovereign judgement..Hence brass feet, wolly hair etc.
"In good conscience," NOT "conscious."
It's bulshit it's all bulshit you been lied to Christianity is bulshit!!!!!! By the way the letter J wasn't invented until 1524 so they wouldn't called him Jesus duh. There no vowels in the Hebrew language. IT'S ALL WHITEWASH BS
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